Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Jersey

Of late Mackey, Brigham and Evan have taken to wearing my sweaters as it is in vogue to wear ugly sweaters and make a mockery of my historic good taste. That which was tastefully has been rendered cliché and cool in its tackiness.Obviously I'm deeply flattered. Evan in looking for an old sweater of mine , in fact, came across an old sweater of his - affectionately called The Jersey.

The Jersey goes back in TV history - The story-line basically was four teens who discover the magic of "the jersey", a mystical football jersey that transports them into the bodies of professional athletes. This is done in a way similar to the way that the main character in Quantum LeapSam, travels from body to body, and there is a different athlete featured in every episode. It showed in the early 2002 - 3 time framework and it was Evan's favorite show. He just knew if he could get The Jersey that he, Evan, could be transported into professional sports.

So, being the enterprising father that I am ; I called up the Producer of The Jersey at Disney and asked if they sold replicas of the sweater. After explaining Evan's situation to him, he decided to send me one of their props - pictured above. The Christmas present was bitter sweet. Evan, while tickled pink and excited to get the sweater was quite disappointed to discover that it didn't work.

But the magic is still there today. And it fits him a little better.

Sing a little bit longer

Music has been deeply engraved in the lives of Rindy and I since our youth; and it has played a significant ongoing role in our family. Surprisingly, at least to us, only two of the kids participated in choir during high school – Evan and Parker. Both had spectacular experiences. (One of their shared directors Dale Cruze leads one of this season’s best Holiday Flash Mobs –

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And, to date, only one has participated in college – Evan. He grateful had the opportunity to participate in the BYU University Choral with his second cousin Mariah Wilson as one of the conductors / directors. Evan loves to sing though truth be told he has an incredibly limited range, perhaps only matched by my father.

Nonetheless, he was able to participate when the BYU University Chorale sang at the BYU Dec 6th Devotional. We watched it, teary –eyed and full of gratitude on BYU internet TV live and hope to post it here if I can find a copy of it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Singer or The Song

Musically there is a debate that rages in THE circles as to which is more key or essential. The Singer or The Song. AT times the song being sung reveals the deep inner vision of the singer's souls. At times a song is just a song. Do the great hits from High School Musical reveal an inner truth of Evan. Or is the fact he loves to sing the inner truth. One day we will know.

In the meantime the follwoing story comes from church last ngiht. Mike Lyons had been out in Provo during the week visiting his daughter Sarah. They were in her apartment visiting when a wailing sound penetrated the air from the outside. Sarah looke d at her watch and said - "It must be 4pm"

She parts the curtains and there blissfully walking down the street is Evan. He has his earphones on , his walkman in hand and is singing at the top of his lungs along to the song. My guess is from HSM or one of his favorite boy bands. Evan loves to sing; and when he sings he enters into a world of his own. Sarah commented you could set your watch by Evan coming down the sidewalk singing. he is a creature of habit. She is one of many kind people in Evan's ward who support and sustain him.Accurately Evan's singing does sound more like a wail or call to prayer.

As a side note. Brigham had a similar experience a year or two ago identifying Evan going , out of sight down a stairway but certainly not of of sound. As a side note from a journal entry in Mach 2005 - Ev has a concert tonight.  If he doesn’t sing too loud tonight he might be able to go to competition next week, too loud, he stays at school.  

 And the answer is The Singer.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Tip

Infrequently Evan will call me during the middle of the day at work. Usually his midday calls are to mom and he calls me after hours. If he fails in connecting with Rindy and has a question he calls. Friday at work the phone rings close to to the end of the day, and it is Evan. He has a question and needs some help. The situation: He is at Brick Oven

in Provo and has a math issue. How much do you tip when you have a bill of $10.44? A great question. Good in so many ways. He is off dining on his own; he knows how to read a bill; he knows he should tip; he wants to do it right.

The conversation goes as follows.
How much is the bill
$10.44; what tip
I think $1.50 would be an appropriate amount.
What is the t.o.t.a.l. - spelled out by Evan
How much is 1.50 and $10.44?
Can you add it for me
Where do you have the period?
In the middle.
Read the number to me
One One Period Nine Four
That's right
Thanks dad
Need anything else - No talk to you later

He keeps growing and learning; its amazing. Another Evan Experience

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Birthday

 A significant life, with significant achievement, and with significant impact.
It is interesting to recall the fear and trepidation of those first uncharted days, not knowing what we could dream or what even we should dream. He has surpassed and altered our expectations all along the road. For that we have many to thank. Thanks to doctors and nurses, to teachers and aides, to friends and neighbors, to classmates and teammates, to brothers and sisters, to angels and God, and an incredibly tenacious and visionary mother. Twenty three years ago who would of thought that during his birthday week in 2011 he would: attend classes at BYU, work in the Athletic department, attend and work in the Temple, live 1,300 miles away from his parents, be roommates with Stuart, have 50+ people attend his birthday party, go skiing at Park City. None of that was on our radar. All of that happened this week.
Grateful for a great birthday of a great guy.
Love that Evan!