Musically there is a debate that rages in THE circles as to which is more key or essential. The Singer or The Song. AT times the song being sung reveals the deep inner vision of the singer's souls. At times a song is just a song. Do the great hits from High School Musical reveal an inner truth of Evan. Or is the fact he loves to sing the inner truth. One day we will know.
In the meantime the follwoing story comes from church last ngiht. Mike Lyons had been out in Provo during the week visiting his daughter Sarah. They were in her apartment visiting when a wailing sound penetrated the air from the outside. Sarah looke d at her watch and said - "It must be 4pm"
She parts the curtains and there blissfully walking down the street is Evan. He has his earphones on , his walkman in hand and is singing at the top of his lungs along to the song. My guess is from HSM or one of his favorite boy bands. Evan loves to sing; and when he sings he enters into a world of his own. Sarah commented you could set your watch by Evan coming down the sidewalk singing. he is a creature of habit. She is one of many kind people in Evan's ward who support and sustain him.Accurately Evan's singing does sound more like a wail or call to prayer.
As a side note. Brigham had a similar experience a year or two ago identifying Evan going , out of sight down a stairway but certainly not of of sound. As a side note from a journal entry in Mach 2005 - Ev has a concert tonight. If he doesn’t sing too loud tonight he might be able to go to competition next week, too loud, he stays at school.
And the answer is The Singer.