Sunday, July 21, 2019

A few catch ups

I’ve fallen further  behind in  even completing the brief reviews I had been doing. The typing takes forever and I’m not as thoughtful as I once was. I continue to delight in reading and pondering what is there to learn from the writers. It succeeds in actively engaging me  and provide a growth opportunity . I am trying anew to put a smattering down to acknowledge that I’m  still here.

The Witch by Roald Dahl
The Tim Wilson and Eden Elaine book club read, met and discussed the following discussion guide questions Tim .  Both of us enjoyed revisiting this classic !

  • Should children have to Bath
  • What would you do if Taft was turned into a mouse
  • What did you think of people getting fried
  • What would you do if a mouse ran up your leg
  • What do you find interesting about the comparative  life span of a mouse and the life span of a grand parent. 

Back of the napkin by Dan Roam  
The premise is simple: anybody with a pen and a scrap of paper can use visual thinking to work through complex business ideas. He demonstrates solving complex problems in unexpected ways, and dramatically improve your ability to share your insights.
I find that successful storytelling and/ or design is in-part dependent that you have a simple way to develop and then in turn share your insights.

The Great Believers - Rebecca makkai
I read the first 50-100  pages bailed on it . 

Zen Master Raven 
the teachings of a wise old bird by Robert Aitken

A collection of Zen teaching stories. Consumed as morsels given snippets of time during which one can consume. It fills its purpose but not profoundly .

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Evan and social graces

Social Graces

Evan has been surviving for years mimicking behavior around him that’s appropriate. Whether that’s in the classroom or at home with Siblings or with new people or strangers. Noted before about evan  knows how to play that where you from what’s your major what are you studying introduction at a party. This is extended to expand and social graces such as dinner hosting.

Brigham was out of town for two weeks on business which left Evan and mackenzie home . Mac had a friend Cammie visiting for the weekend so Evan took ownership of his own social calendar. He invited a friend of his over for dinner and watching a movie; a  guy from church-very kind man. 

Evan made a simple meal cheese sandwiches popcorn water ice cream for dessert but the concept is there. He invited somebody over he cleaned the apartment you fix the meal he did it all on his own. Evan has grown and continues to. he’s growing so much thank you for the many people who teach him and to those patient to help him develop.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Where can you find a good Christmas miracle these days?

Our son Evan like many a capital hiller takes the metro from Crystal City to the Capital South  metro station then wends his way to Congressman Roskum's office. It's part of his regular routine and normally is un eventful. This last Wednesday was different.
I received a call on the home phone, which I rarely answer, but looking at the caller ID it's a name instead of a company so I listen.  It's a guy calling from DC named Jonathon  who just got off the Metro.  Evan had gotten off the stop before this guy and had left his wallet on the floor behind his seat, Jonathon had found it.  When Ev got off the train, realizing that he had lost his wallet,  he turned around and proceeded to pound on the door to get back on, the train took off. Evan was freaking out but had the wherewith all to somehow not get hit by the train, get out of the station without his metro card,  and get to his office on capitol hill.  Our son Evan has Down Syndrome and was navigating his commute on his own. 

The wonderful people at his office sat him down, went over everything he had in wallet and began the process of trying to figure out what to do next. Meantime, Evan had his Illinois ID with our illinois address on it in the wallet. Jonathon found the card, then went online, reverse directoried our phone number and gave me a call.  What a kind and nice guy. Not only does he go the extra mile in locating us (Evan) but goes twain.  Jonathan  is in DC for a meeting and had a break around noon so he volunteers to walk to Roskum's office and give Evan the wallet.  One of the things he mentioned in meeting the people at Ev's office was how kind and caring they are about Ev.

Wonderful people all over the world
Angels both those seen and unseen watch over Evan.
Where are the miracles in DC this season?

Ev having the where wits  to not chase after a moving train and going to a familiar place for help.
Rep Roskum's wonderful staff who stand beside and support Evan.
A stranger named Jonathan who saw someone in need, interrupted his day and made a difference in the life of Evan.

If you are looking for a good christmas miracle this season, look no farther than the Capital South Metro.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cherry chocolate cake

One of my favorite stories about Cherry Chocolate Cake was when Todd and I were visiting MN.Rindy served the cake for dinner one night.  The next morning Todd and I were eating breakfast at Tim and Rindy's when down comes Evan for breakfast.  He helps himself to a nice sized serving of cake in a bowl with 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream on top.  He steps out onto the screened in porch, locks the door and enjoys his breakfast.

All the food groups are there! June 2004

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A fire truck for this week too

Dean should really come visit - two firetrucks in two weeks!

Wednesdays, Evan meets me at the front of the Pentagon and I bring him in and we have lunch. Today I met him and he was with a police officer and his hand was bloody. He had cut his finger on a kitchen knife at home, washed it, wrapped it in paper towel, then taken the bus to meet me (after bleeding in the kitchen and bathroom a bit, of course, weee). The officer stopped him to give him a bandaid and new papertowel. You couldn't tell how deep the cut was and it was still bleeding, so they called EMS. I expected 2-3 nurses to show up, instead, a firetruck showed up (that was the only med unit available). Eventually an EMS ambulance arrived and the firetruck left. They washed his finger, put on a bandaid, and it stopped bleeding.

We ended up just taking a bus to a nearby urgent care center and three stitches later we headed to Costco for lunch and antibiotics from the pharmacy. Just in time to drive to Alexandria for a 3:30pm meeting. Whew - thank goodness for a workplace with a flexible schedule and understanding boss and being 1 mile from home.

In the car, Evan started waving his injured hand around. He smiled and said, "see, I can still conduct music!"

Interesting observation by Jared:
Tell Evan that we hope he heals up nicely!
Brig, you are a great brother.  This is exactly what is at the heart of being a brother.  Being flexible, loving, understanding and there for someone.  Thanks for your example.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Best Ev Singing Story in DC

Evan still sings.
Yesterday outside our front window we saw a paramedic car slow down and stop in front of our house and people get out. We went outside to see what was up and saw that a police car was already there with the cop outside. Soon a firetruck also arrived. After 6 emergency personnel entered our small front room we found out that somebody had called 911 because they heard a loud moaning noise from an upstairs bedroom that sounded like an old person who was in desperate need of medical help.
The emergency people were afraid someone was hurt, but we assured them everybody was fine and even brought Evan down to show them he was fine. They were still kind of worried that we had some sort of Jane Eyre wife-in-the-attic or Cinderella locked-in-the-tower situation, but were willing to trust us and left.
Oh the dangers of singing along to Newsies, especially in a monastic-chanting way.