Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A fire truck for this week too

Dean should really come visit - two firetrucks in two weeks!

Wednesdays, Evan meets me at the front of the Pentagon and I bring him in and we have lunch. Today I met him and he was with a police officer and his hand was bloody. He had cut his finger on a kitchen knife at home, washed it, wrapped it in paper towel, then taken the bus to meet me (after bleeding in the kitchen and bathroom a bit, of course, weee). The officer stopped him to give him a bandaid and new papertowel. You couldn't tell how deep the cut was and it was still bleeding, so they called EMS. I expected 2-3 nurses to show up, instead, a firetruck showed up (that was the only med unit available). Eventually an EMS ambulance arrived and the firetruck left. They washed his finger, put on a bandaid, and it stopped bleeding.

We ended up just taking a bus to a nearby urgent care center and three stitches later we headed to Costco for lunch and antibiotics from the pharmacy. Just in time to drive to Alexandria for a 3:30pm meeting. Whew - thank goodness for a workplace with a flexible schedule and understanding boss and being 1 mile from home.

In the car, Evan started waving his injured hand around. He smiled and said, "see, I can still conduct music!"

Interesting observation by Jared:
Tell Evan that we hope he heals up nicely!
Brig, you are a great brother.  This is exactly what is at the heart of being a brother.  Being flexible, loving, understanding and there for someone.  Thanks for your example.

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