Sunday, August 8, 1999


We believe in baptism by immersion for those who are accountable at the age of eight. Evan, is defacto, non-accountable thus technically not requiring baptism. The other factors of baptism include baptism as the gateway or entry into God's kingdom as a member of His church and following Christ example of being baptized in fulfilling the commandment of the Father. Evan wasn't ready at eight and before he turned 12 he increased in awareness of baptism and desire to be baptised.

After discussion with our Bishop and thoughtful consideration and prayer we baptized Evan. It was a bit of an unorthodox experience. He really  had little interest of getting into a font. Creativity was applied and it resulted in a plein aire session. Literally in my parents swimming pool. We arranged with the Bishop and he came over, and Blair performed the ordinance. One can measure the appropriateness of activity by the Spirit that attends.  The Spirit was calm, peaceful and uplifting. It was the right thing at the right time.

On a bright Monday evening June 21 our family went to my parents pool. The bishop was going to stop by to be a witness. After playing around for a while, Blair, who is to form the baptize practice I need to the kids. When it came time for Evan, Blair left the pool and put on a white shirt. When you return to the pool Tim asked Devon if you wanted to be baptized. Evan said okay.

When worsen the prayer is like the Spirit of the Lord came down and resting upon the pool, pushing all sound and motion away. There was no street noise on noise from a two assignments, and the spare was so real. When Evan came out of the water, he bounced out with the biggest smile imaginable. We were thrilled. Spread them pull together and went back up into heaven. The Lord approved of the baptism the bishop come in at that the spirit was there an abundance is much is it any baptism.

An ancillary experience is we also believe in vicarious ordinances, a religious ordinance performed by a living person in behalf of one who is dead. Baptisms for the dead are done in our Temples and are done to create an opportunity for all to either accept or reject coming unto Christ. None will be forced but all will have the opportunity. The youth from our congregation regularly go to the Temple to perform this service. And as a young man (12- 14) Evan went with the group but would not go in the font, nor do the baptisms, until one day when Evan was listening to our friends Bill Oelkers and David Henstrom and their encouragement to participate and go in the font and do the vicarious baptism. That day was the one. Evan agreed, he got dressed, joined the group. He solemnly approached the font; and well watch the video. It is not a video of Evan but it is exactly what happened.

As Bill wiped the water from his face. he commented how the Spirit was still there. The innocence, the peace, the joy. It truly was an Evan Experience.

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