Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cherry chocolate cake

One of my favorite stories about Cherry Chocolate Cake was when Todd and I were visiting MN.Rindy served the cake for dinner one night.  The next morning Todd and I were eating breakfast at Tim and Rindy's when down comes Evan for breakfast.  He helps himself to a nice sized serving of cake in a bowl with 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream on top.  He steps out onto the screened in porch, locks the door and enjoys his breakfast.

All the food groups are there! June 2004

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A fire truck for this week too

Dean should really come visit - two firetrucks in two weeks!

Wednesdays, Evan meets me at the front of the Pentagon and I bring him in and we have lunch. Today I met him and he was with a police officer and his hand was bloody. He had cut his finger on a kitchen knife at home, washed it, wrapped it in paper towel, then taken the bus to meet me (after bleeding in the kitchen and bathroom a bit, of course, weee). The officer stopped him to give him a bandaid and new papertowel. You couldn't tell how deep the cut was and it was still bleeding, so they called EMS. I expected 2-3 nurses to show up, instead, a firetruck showed up (that was the only med unit available). Eventually an EMS ambulance arrived and the firetruck left. They washed his finger, put on a bandaid, and it stopped bleeding.

We ended up just taking a bus to a nearby urgent care center and three stitches later we headed to Costco for lunch and antibiotics from the pharmacy. Just in time to drive to Alexandria for a 3:30pm meeting. Whew - thank goodness for a workplace with a flexible schedule and understanding boss and being 1 mile from home.

In the car, Evan started waving his injured hand around. He smiled and said, "see, I can still conduct music!"

Interesting observation by Jared:
Tell Evan that we hope he heals up nicely!
Brig, you are a great brother.  This is exactly what is at the heart of being a brother.  Being flexible, loving, understanding and there for someone.  Thanks for your example.